Selenium 3.0

Categories: testing

About Course

In this Selenium Training, you will learn about Selenium 3.3 and its various components such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium GRID. You will learn to setup your environment so that you will be ready to start using Selenium for testing your web applications using various browsers. In addition, you will also gain experience to work with Selenium WebDriver with different frameworks such as Module Driven, Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid.

Further on, you will learn about Page Object Model (POM) design pattern that enables you to maintain reusability and readability of the automation scripts. This course introduces you to the concept of POM, and how to implement Page Classes and Page Factory to optimize the execution of automation scripts. The Course also enables you to learn about various third-party tools such as Jenkins, TestNG, Sikuli, and AutoIT to optimally use them for performing various tasks in our browsers, such as working with flash applications or Windows-based UI elements.

 What are the objectives of our Selenium Certification Training?

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Learn about Selenium and its evolution
  • Understand Regression testing and Functional testing
  • Set-up JAVA, Eclipse, and Selenium Environment and configure them
  • List the components of Selenium such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid
  • Create Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver
  • Discuss about Waits (Page Synchronization) and various other Selenium WebDriver functions
  • Handle different controls on a Webpage
  • Implement TestNG
  • Describe Page Object Modelling
  • Learn Parametrization and different frameworks
  • Implement some of the Third-Party Tools such as Jenkins, AutoIT, Sikuli and Maven

Why should you learn Selenium?

For any project, companies are rapidly inclining towards open source automated testing tools that will enable them to cut down the cost and effort that manual testing involves. Selenium is one such open source automated testing tool for websites. Performance, execution speed, and browser interaction of Selenium is faster than any other automation tool.

The test packages, the modes of Selenium available for unattended execution, and the fact that the test script can be developed in any language that Selenium supports makes Selenium the most desired automation testing tool.

In addition, Selenium supports different operating systems along with support for different programming languages such as Python, Pearl, Ruby, PHP, .NET, C#, and Java; and various browsers, thereby making Selenium the leading automation tool.

Why should you go for Selenium Training?

The below professionals can take up our Selenium Certification Training:

  • Professionals who aim to become Automation Testers
  • Application Testers who aim to explore Automation
  • QA Engineers

What are  the pre-requisites for this selenium Training?

The below are the suggested pre-requisites for taking up our Selenium Certification Training:

  • Basic understanding of manual QA Process
  • Any programming language experience is desired (JAVA will be preferred)
  • Any development integrated environment (IDE) (Eclipse latest version preferred)